Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year's Eve

Today we cleaned windows. Husband took down the outside venetians and I used a broom and a hose to clean the venetians, the flyscreens and the outside of the windows on two sides of the house. Dip the broom in a bucked of suds, scrub and hose down with the trigger hose attaced to the rainwater tap via a pump. We are so short of water that we may not use the town supply for this. It was raining lightly as we worked and has rained much more tonight, so, hopefully, the water will be replaced in the tanks by the morning.
The lass next door chatted while we worked. It was her birthday today, and she is six. Remember how exciting Christmas was when you were six? Now we enjoy the wonder on small faces as they open presents, and thank the Lord for all our blessings.
May 2008 be full of blessing for you all!

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