Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Mother’s Feel Pain

I remember you my little son
The day that you were born
When you came safely into the world
We all rejoiced that morn.

But mothers bear the agony
Mothers feel the pain
Not once, not twice, or thrice
But again and again and again.

I remember a Christmas morning
The year that you were two,
You were playing “golf” with your father
Striving the best you could do.

I remember you during your school days
When learning came easy for you
Complaining the work was too boring
When given assignments to do.

I remember you went on to uni
An arts degree then nursing too,
And you brought home a beautiful lassie
A life time partner for you.

I remember the day that you took us
The house you were buying to view.
Your life was so full of bright promise
We greatly rejoiced then with you.

But suddenly it was all over
Your motorbike crashed with a car.
We watched by your bedside in sorrow,
But already your soul had flown far.

And mothers bear the agony
Mothers feel the pain
Not once, not twice, or thrice
But again and again and again.

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